How To Calculate CBD Content

How Much CBD Is In My CBD Hemp Oil?

When looking to find out how much cannabidiol (CBD) is contained within your CBD Hemp Oil product you have either just purchased or are looking to purchase, it is important to keep a few factors in mind.

Is the product you are looking at a pure extract, or is it a product that has been made using other ingredients? The reason you want to take a look at this is because when you add ingredients to the oil, the concentration of the oil is diluted, and it becomes more difficult to calculate the percentage of cannabidiol.

Does the product state that it contains a percentage of cannabidiol, or does it state a certain quantity of cannabidiol is contained within that product? For example, whether the product states 20% CBD or 100mg of CBD. This is important as they are two different ways to express the cannabidiol content within a product.

Calculating CBD Percentage

In this calculator, we will be showing you how to calculate the amount (percentage) of cannabidiol in milligrams (weight) in an amount of milliliters (volume) of Hemp CBD Drops.

Each gram is made up of 1,000 milligrams. When first loaded, the below calculator is set to a 30ml CBD Tincture containing 500mg of CBD. This means that out of 30ml’s of your base (MCT Oil, Glycerin, etc), 500mg are the coveted cannabidiol. This calculates to a 1.67% CBD concentration.

How To Calculate CBD Content – Plug It In!

Are you looking for the highest concentrations of CBD? You can find our broad selection of high quality, Supercritical Fluid Extraction CBD rich hemp oil by visiting our CBD Oil For Sale page.

The high concentration CBD oil is what is used to create each and every other CBD product we carry on the site. When looking at all of the other products made from the oil, it is important to realize that most, if not all, are described in the amount of CBD contained within the entire product.

Are you new to CBD and looking for a good starting place? The Highland Pharms 500 Plus Hemp Drops comes in 25ml of fluid, which is a 2% concentration (plug it into the calculator to validate). One reason we really like this product as a starter CBD tincture is that each drop contains 1mg of CBD, making it super easy to calculate how much you have taken.

We hope that this information has been useful. Should you require any assistance in calculating the amount of CBD within your product, or have any other questions for us, please feel free to Contact Us.


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