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Can’t decide where to start? View our full product selection here: CBD Hemp Oil Shop


  1. My 5 yr old boy has Partial Epilepsy, He was diagnosed at 1 yrs old. His Neurologist has had him on a drug called Keppra since then. He takes 3 ml in the morning. He’s extremely hyper from it. It causes mood swings so we have to give him vitamin B6 as suggested by his doctor. I would love to keep him from having trimmers. I haven’t seen him have a seizure in a long time but I’m worried about the effects from the medicine and what it will do to his organs. Please help me give him this natural oil. I don’t smoke or drink at all so I don’t know anything about marijuana or how it works. I only know I’ve heard miraculous things. Please contact me on how I get him off his meds and get him on the miracle plant. Thank you God bless

    • Greetings Ashley,

      Thank you for sharing your story. With federal regulations regarding food products and supplements the way they are, we are not able to comment specifically about the products we carry and any ailments or diseases.

      We do encourage you to discuss with a physician the research you have done regarding CBD, and weaning your child off of pharma.

      Dr Allan Frankel in Santa Monica is a very prominent cannabis physician, and is very knowledgeable regarding these topics.

      We hope that helps! Do let us know if there is anything else we can do for you!

      -Teh BuyHempCBDOil Team

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