Dixie Botanicals

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Dixie Botanicals CBD rich hemp oil products have returned, and are better than ever!


[one_third]Dixie Botanicals CBD hemp oil Dew Drops[/one_third]

[two_third_last]Dixie is the company that started it all nearly 5 years ago when they began producing the Dixie Dew Drops. These great tasting tinctures now come in two great flavors, Natural and Cinnamon, and two strengths, 100mg and 500mg. The Dixie of old used the blue version of the High CBD Hemp Oil extracts. The new Dixie Dew Drops are made using the Gold Version of the CBD Hemp oil, which leads to a greatly improved taste and texture.[/two_third_last]

[one_third]Dixie Salvation CBD Balm[/one_third]

Dixie’s Salvation Balm has certainly been a salvation to many over the years, helping folks like yourself find relief for those tired muscles, and comes packed with 50mg of CBD to help support your body’s own renewal.

[one_third]Dixie Botanicals CBD Capsules[/one_third]
[two_third_last]Dixie Botanicals’ CBD Hemp Oil Capsules are a sure way to promote overall wellness and relief from the effects of everyday stress and anxiety. The CBD hemp oils have been meticulously extracted using the safest and most effective method of extraction to bring to you a micro-encapsulated product that is highly effective.[/two_third_last]


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